Disconfort and impact of Kristeller’s Maneuver on women’s pelvic floor





obstetric delivery; labour; obstetric complications; Kristeller Manoeuvre


Introduction: The Kristeller Manoeuvre, or pressure on the uterine fundus during the second stage of labour, is often used without the consent of the parturient woman and, due to its adverse effects, is considered obstetric violence.

Objective: To identify the relationship between the discomfort related to pelvic floor dysfunctions and its impact on the pelvic floor due to the use of Kristeller’s Maneuver in the second stage of labor.

Methods: Quantitative, relational-analytical, cross-sectional cohort study carried out with a non-probability convenience sample, according to the snowball method. Data was collected through an online questionnaire of 275 women who had given birth in Portugal in the last 5 years. Data were obtained on obstetric history, assessment of discomfort related to pelvic floor dysfunctions and their impact, and their relationship with sociodemographic factors of the sample and with data on the last delivery.

Results: Most women had only 1 full-term delivery (73.5%). Women whose last delivery was eutopic prevailed. Almost all of the sample had a simple birth, lasting less than 24 hours. More than half of the women reported having undergone episiotomy. In 50.9% of the cases, women were submitted to Kristeller Maneuver, and these had a greater impact on the pelvic floor.

Conclusion: It has been shown that the more bladder impact as a result of Kristeller’s Maneuver, the more urinary problems women report; the more bladder and vagina/perineal impact, the more pelvic floor problems, and the more bladder impact as a result, the more discomfort related to pelvic floor dysfunction women report.


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How to Cite

Pires, A. S., & Ferreira, M. (2024). Disconfort and impact of Kristeller’s Maneuver on women’s pelvic floor. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(15e), e34588. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0215e.34588



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