Nursing communication in the context of outpatient surgery: scoping review


  • Goreti Andrade Unidade Local de Saúde de Gaia e Espinho, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
  • Soraia Pereira Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal | Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde (CINTESIS), Porto, Portugal | Rede de Investigação em Saúde (RISE), Porto, Portugal
  • Liliana Mota Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal | Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde (CINTESIS), Porto, Portugal | Rede de Investigação em Saúde (RISE), Porto, Portugal
  • Fernanda Príncipe Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal | Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde (CINTESIS), Porto, Portugal | Rede de Investigação em Saúde (RISE), Porto, Portugal



ambulatory surgical procedures; nurses; communication


Introduction: In ambulatory surgery, effective communication plays a crucial role in promoting safety by reducing adverse events and ensuring the quality of care provided to individuals in the perioperative period.

Objective: To map the scientific evidence on communication strategies used by nurses in the context of ambulatory surgery.

Methods: A scoping review was conducted according to the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Eligibility criteria were defined based on the PCC framework: Population (nurses), Concept (communication), and Context (ambulatory surgery). The search was performed in the MEDLINE, CINAHL Complete, and Scielo databases. Grey literature was explored through Google Scholar and RCAAP.

Results: Six studies addressing nursing communication strategies in the context of ambulatory surgery were included. Effective communication between nurses and clients in ambulatory surgery is fundamental for reducing anxiety, promoting trust and therapeutic relationships, and improving the overall care experience. It is essential for minimizing risks and complications, such as pain management, where standardized messages show significant benefits.

Conclusion: Communication strategies used by nurses in ambulatory surgery play an essential role in promoting safety, trust, and care quality, contributing to the reduction of anxiety and postoperative complications.


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How to Cite

Andrade, G., Pereira, S., Mota, L., & Príncipe, F. (2025). Nursing communication in the context of outpatient surgery: scoping review . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(16e), e37389.



Life and Healthcare Sciences