Impact of the nurse manager’s communication strategies in nursing work environments




nurse manager; communication; work environment


Introduction: Nurse managers hold a pivotal role in the development of positive nursing practice environments. The communication established with the nurses they lead must be effective.

Objective: Identify the impact of the nurse manager’s communication strategies on nursing work environments.

Methods: Systematic literature review. The research was conducted in April 2024, using the CINAHL and MedLine databases through the EBSCOhost aggregator, and SCOPUS, considering the research question: What is the impact of the nurse manager’s communication strategies on nursing work environments?

Results: We included six articles in the current review. The studies highlight the relevance of adopting effective communication by the nurse manager, allowing for the enumeration of the impact of the communication strategies in the work environments, on professional satisfaction, conflict resolution, and talent retention.

Conclusion: The communication strategies of the nurse manager, which promote the establishment of effective communication with nurses, have a positive impact on nursing work environments.


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How to Cite

Silva, C., Santos, D., Morais, J., Dias, R., Oliveira, S., & Figueiredo, S. (2024). Impact of the nurse manager’s communication strategies in nursing work environments . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(16e), e37492.



Life and Healthcare Sciences