Citizenship education curriculum and school dropout: denied citizenship

Formación ciudadana y abandono escolar: La ciudadanía negada




The article that we present exposes the contradictions between education for citizenship and school dropout. The first part analyzes the curricular initiatives in the Chilean educational policy with respect to education for citizenship in the school from the 90s to the year 2016. In the second part, dropout in secondary school and the daily reality of the subjects who leave school and feel abandoned by it, in contrast to the official curricular discourse, will be analysed. The experience of a denied citizenship, not being “part of the part” and not being able to benefit from the great right to education, is visible in the emerging matrices resulting from the analysis of the discourse of interviews with young people at risk of dropping out in Chile (in the north, centre and south of the country).

Keywords: Citizenship; Citizenship education curriculum; School dropout


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Author Biographies

Natalia Vallejos Silva, PUCV

Doctora en Educación © Universidad de la Coruña España.

Magister en Historia y magister en educación.

Investigadora: línea de educación y ciudadanía CIE 160009 CONICYT-Chile

José Félix Angulo Rasco, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

Doctor en educación catedrático de Educación Universidad de Cádiz España

Investigador principal proyecto: FONDECYT 1150509 CONICYT-Chile

Investigador principal línea 6 evaluación y currículum CIE 160009 CONICYT-Chile

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso



How to Cite

Redon Pantoja, S., Vallejos Silva, N., & Angulo Rasco, J. F. (2018). Citizenship education curriculum and school dropout: denied citizenship: Formación ciudadana y abandono escolar: La ciudadanía negada. Portuguese Journal of Education, 31(2), 5–22.




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