School performance and different roles of participation in bullying: A cross-cultural study
School Violence, Bullying, School PerformanceAbstract
The relationship between bullying and school performance is a complex phenomenon and intimidation can contribute to poor school performance. The aim of this study was to compare school performance between the roles of involvement in bullying, segregated by country - Portugal and Brazil. They participated in 785 children and adolescents. The participation in bullying roles, there was the couple indicated by Partner Scale Metric. Already the school performance was evaluated by the final averages at the end of the school year four disciplines. It is noteworthy that in Portugal the victims showed better school performance. In Brazil no significant differences were found. The data show that school performance seems to be a more important variable in establishing the bullying participation roles in Portugal than in Brazil, indicating that the relationship between these variables cannot be considered a standard feature among those involved in this phenomenon in different countries.
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