Validity evidences for the Victimization among Students Scale (VSS)
Validity evidences for the Victimization among Students Scale (VSS)
Bullying, School harassment, PsychometricAbstract
This study evaluated the Brazilian instrument Victimization among Students Scale’s (VSS) in respect to the internal structure, internal consistence, and its relationship with another variable (stress). A database involving 1.484 students, from grades 6-9, in public schools of six cities from four Brazilian States was employed. Results indicated that the Scale comprehends two factors: face-to-face victimization and virtual victimization, which in conjunction explain about 50% of the variance, with an internal consistency index of 0,84 and 0,77. Additionally, the VSS was applied twice in a period of 30 days (N=100) in the city of Fortaleza, with a total reliability score of 0,64. Participants from Fortaleza also answered the Child Stress Scale (CSS), and positive significantly correlations above 0,65 were found between VSS and CSS. Thus, EVA is a promising alternative to evaluate the phenomenon.
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