Writing, mediation and rewriting at the university
The guiding notes as a pedagogical strategy for the linguistic-textual reflection
Mediation and (re)writing, Guiding nottes, Reading notes production at graduationAbstract
In the light of the concept of proximal development zone (Vygotsky, 1978, 2008) and of the theory of resonance (Sommers, 1980), we aim, in this article, to analyze how the interaction between teacher/monitors and students, through guiding notes (Brannon & Knoblauch, 1982; Gimbel & Mills, 2013; Mangabeira et al., 2011; Smith, 1997; Sommers, 1982), can potentiate the rewriting of reading notes, considering: the teaching performance in processes of texts composition (Flower & Hayes, 1981; Murray, 1997); the roles of the teacher in the texts correction/mediation (Smith, 1997; Straub, 1996; Tribble, 1996); and the trends of texts correction/mediation (Ruiz, 1998; Serafini, 1995). Our research, inscribed in a qualitative paradigm, began from a planned action foreseen in the discipline “Prática de Textos”, offered to the Letras undergraduate course of Universidade de Brasília, which consisted of writing a reading note, in appreciation of a theoretical text of our discipline, with the following actions later: discussions on the theoretical text in the classroom, mediation of written production through guiding notes, rewriting of written production and semi-structured interview. The results of the investigation revealed that such notes promoted in the students reflexivity about (re)writing processes, from the signaling regarding the linguistic-textual investments that will be made in their productions.
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