Active methodologies in a professional technical school




Robotics, Education 4.0, Industry 4.0, Active Methodologies


The fourth industrial revolution has grown exponentially and it is visualized through additive manufacturing (3D and 4D printings), big data, the Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent sensors, augmented reality, digitalization, artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, among other advances in the so-called Industry 4.0. Thus, this research aims to investigate how the methodology of Education 4.0 can support pedagogical strategies in a technical school, offering new teaching resources and practices to train professionals for this advent. A descriptive case study of a qualitative nature was carried out through the implementation of a methodology based on the foundations of Education 4.0, in a mechatronics class in a technical school, in the context of the subject of Robotics, and a field journal and participant observation were used to describe the effects of the new application format of the classes. This new methodology demonstrated that the participating student in these classes was able to understand, identify, hone and act within the fourth industrial revolution, obtaining the necessary skills that this market demands.  Change appears to be unavoidable with the Industry 4.0, even within the educational environment, making Education 4.0 the watchword among educators who want to prepare effective professionals for the labor market.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. C., Viana, H. B., & Vilela Jr., G. de B. . (2020). ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES IN A PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL: Active methodologies in a professional technical school. Portuguese Journal of Education, 33(1), 158–173.


