Educação Transformadora
As interconexões das teorias de Freire e Morin
Transformative education, Complex thought, Pedagogical practiceAbstract
The education movement in search of overcoming the conservative pedagogical practice leads to question the knowledge fragmentation processes generated by the Cartesian view. To this end, we sought to investigate a concept in education that welcomes the reform of this thought to achieve a complex and transformative education. It was decided to dialogue with Paulo Freire and Edgar Morin, choosing in some of his works the convergent and complementary points, with the purpose of weaving constructs that can epistemologically subsidize a new complex and transforming pedagogical practice. Quantitative-qualitative, critical and reflective bibliographic research was used to revisit some of the works of the authors chosen for the study. For data analysis, the procedures of Bardin (2011) were applied. The results indicate that the theories have points that approach and embrace epistemological foundations that make it possible to subsidize the teacher in overcoming conservative pedagogical practice, for a proposition that leads to the emancipation and protagonism of the student and the teacher. From the convergences and complementarities between the two theories, the importance of points such as the ethical view, the reform of thought, contextualization, dialogue and the reconnection of knowledge is emphasized.
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