From yellow notebooks to infinite files: Metamorphoses of teaching work in digital culture
Education, Digital technologies, Teaching work, MetamorphosesAbstract
The world of work has been significantly reorganized in the culture of global capitalism and has required a new worker profile. Thus, the teaching work has also been modified due to the simultaneous metamorphoses that occurred from the constant movements in the scope of economics, education, politics, and even due to the digital culture, which affect the lifes and the profession of teachers. Given this new social and cultural panorama, the aim here is to discuss aspects that involve the transition “from yellow notebooks to infinite archives”, brought about, above all, by digital culture and its potential for change in teaching work. The focus is to understand the main changes that occurred in the work of a group of higher education teachers at a University Center in the interior of Goiás, Brazil. A total of 15 teachers were interviewed. The results obtained were submitted to thematic content analysis for the organization and treatment of information. Among the main conclusions, there is that digital technologies interfere in the processes, nature, dimensions and development of teaching work in higher education, probably because they are not characterized as invisible aspects in the work process in digital culture.
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