Quality assessment of the Portuguese secondary school Biology and Geology exams





Biology and Geology, Science education, Evaluation, External assessment, National exams


The results of Portuguese students in the Biology and Geology exam have revealed a serious situation of failure over the years, with very low average scores and excessively high failure rates. In teachers’ opinion, the main causes of failure are related to the high complexity of the exam. Thus, it is important to analyze the validity and technical quality of these exams to assess whether these assessment instruments are negatively contributing to the students' failure. In this context, this qualitative research was carried out, using document analysis and content analysis. Two Biology and Geology exams were analyzed (selection criteria: exams with the best and worst results) in the dimensions: Disciplinary area per year (the exam evaluates the areas of Biology and Geology); Question type; Dimensions of science education; Bloom's Taxonomy: cognitive process dimension and knowledge dimension. It is concluded that the exams are cognitively demanding, and most questions evaluate higher categories of the cognitive process (application and analysis) of conceptual knowledge. This investigation demonstrates the lack of validity and reliability of the Biology and Geology exams, as well as several technical quality problems.


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How to Cite

Lopes, T., & Precioso, J. (2022). Quality assessment of the Portuguese secondary school Biology and Geology exams. Portuguese Journal of Education, 35(2), 211–227. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.21651


