Interdisciplinarity and pedagogical practices: What teachers say
Interdisciplinarity, Pedagogical practices, Teacher training, Elementary schoolAbstract
This study aims to investigate what elementary school teachers from a school whose curriculum is organized by projects, think about interdisciplinarity and how they organize their practices. Of a qualitative nature, we used as research instruments the semi-structured interview, conducted individually with eight teachers, appointed by the school principal as a reference for an interdisciplinary work, the observation and the documentary analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project. Data were initially processed by IRaMuTeQ software and submitted to content analysis. The results showed that: (i) interdisciplinarity is understood as the possibility of teaching that makes sense to the student; (ii) a process of constant teacher training, school reorganization and resignification of the teacher-student relationship is essencial; and (iii) the work with projects and the explicit development of autonomy levels are important elements for the implementation of interdisciplinary practices.
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