Education from the perspective of John Stuart Mill


  • Vladimir Urueta León Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia.



Mill, educación, Ciudadanos, Igualdad, Democracia


This article intends, through a bibliographic review, to show some aspects inherent to John Stuart Mill's position on education, which are still important today for the formation of citizens. Likewise, in a general way, it will be characterized what he calls “liberal education”. It is this one that promotes the development of all the faculties of the human being, not only restricted to the cultivation of the intellect but also contributing to the formation of the moral and of the aesthetic. The vision of education proposed by Mill is aimed at men and women self cultivation for them to be able to use their own capacities, with benefits at an individual and social level: freedom, happiness, equality... We conclude that education according to Mill must enhance the different capacities of the human being and propitiate respect for the private sphere; however not implying disregard for public affairs.


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How to Cite

Urueta León, V. (2023). Education from the perspective of John Stuart Mill. Portuguese Journal of Education, 36(1), e23005.