Epistemologies of the South for an emancipatory education
Educational change, Colonialism, Humanistic education, Epistemology, PedagogyAbstract
The article develops an argument on Boaventura de Sousa Santos' Epistemologies of the South as a means to emancipate school-based education. The analysis is framed in the sociology of education, from where an epistemological dialogue on the possibilities for reinventing educational training processes is born, taking into account the continuous transformations of societies and the emergence of paradigms, theories and approaches in education. It delves into a critique of the epistemologies that have ruled with certainty the educational curricula, eliminating knowledge considered as non-scientific, in other words, knowledge that is neither quantifiable nor measurable for the scientific method. In conclusion, in order to emancipate education, the teaching and learning processes must be restructured, in effect, it is suggested that these processes be rethought and oriented towards an education for life with a global meaning that transcends specialised knowledge: a transdisciplinary education.
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