Merleau-Ponty and Physical Education with children




Childhood, Phenomelogy, Didactics, Methodologies, Physical Education


This article is a development of the research Children, Physical Education and Teaching Methodologies: Interfaces between the fields of knowledge of Physical Education and Childhood. From some empirical findings, it aimed at making a theoretical and exploratory reflection taking as reference the thought of the philosopher Merleau-Ponty. With these findings and reflections it was intended to know and to derive theorical-didactic-methological principles for Physical Education with children. At the same time, we call upon the phenomenological perspective of “self move”, developed by Elenor Kunz, as a possibility of ensuring something that is intrinsic to children, that is, the “naive relationship (that they establish) with the world”. Both authors bring an important phenomenological notion: the expression of having and being a body, as the structuring principle of being-in-the-world; of having and being a body as a way of “viewing the child for herself – an ontological dimension”. In addition to these phenomenological notions, we also conclusively highligth the important notion of child common to Merleau-Ponty: that of Manuel Sarmento (a sociological look), when he praises the positivization of chilhood: “view the child for himself”.


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How to Cite

De Medeiros, F. E., & Cunha, A. C. (2023). Merleau-Ponty and Physical Education with children. Portuguese Journal of Education, 36(1), e23019.

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