Knowledge taught, target students and intentionalities in the early days of evening school (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1884-1937)
Evening schools, Poor students, Schooling, Periodical pressAbstract
This article presents the analysis of the mentions to the evening schools located in the newspaper A Federação, a republican and abolitionist periodical that circulated in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between 1884 and 1937. The research develops dialogues with other studies of the History of Education and mobilizes theoretical contributions of the History of Concepts, as proposed by Koselleck (2006), in order to identify the purposes of the classes offered at night, the knowledge taught and the intended public. The analysis pointed the coexistence of different scopes in the same period, so that, in some cases, the evening adjective referred to the provision of preparation and improvement courses for work, such as market bookkeeping or topographical design, whereas, in other cases, it dealt with elementary education for poor kids, women, and adult and child workers.
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