Protagonism as a structuring value: Facing the invisibility of children and young people at school




Juvenile protagonism, Juvenile invisibility, Values and beliefs


In this paper, we elaborate on theoretical issues concerning the promotion of child and young adults protagonism within school contexts. We also address how this may favor their development and visibility in such contexts. From a Cultural Psychology semiotically oriented approach, we conceptualize juvenile protagonism as the result of practices, values and beliefs that promote their actual participation in the construction, and possible changes, in social and pedagogical practices within the school ecosystem. Such participation allows them to share tasks and responsibilities with adults, according to their possibilities. Following this protagonic orientation, children and teenagers may develop, through social and pedagogical practices, their agency and responsibility, allowing for the collective construction of pro-social values and beliefs. We argue for the creation of a dialogic environment as a way to work against beliefs concerning “undeveloped” or “lack of capacity” conditions, which results in their invisibility. Therefore, juvenile protagonism, as a fundamental value to guide school activities, is necessary to foster cultural and pedagogical practices that take into account their voices and suggestions within educational contexts. Once such practices occur, they will likely increase students’ motivation, agency, autonomy and reflective capacities, with a positive effect on teaching-learning relations and experiences.


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How to Cite

Pires, S. F. S., & Branco, A. U. (2023). Protagonism as a structuring value: Facing the invisibility of children and young people at school. Portuguese Journal of Education, 36(2), e23035.