Evaluation of a pedagogical model of education for environmental citizenship by students of primary education





Education for Environmental Citizenship, Primary education, Design-Based Research, Pedagogical Model


This article evaluates the implementation of a pedagogical model of education for environmental citizenship in primary education, in Portugal (students between 6 and 10 years old). The objective was to test a pedagogical model in a real scholar context, in order to be evaluated by the students themselves, seeking to answer the following research questions: (1) What are the perceptions of the primary education students about the environmental citizenship activities carried out?; (2) What learning resulted from the environmental citizenship activities carried out? This test is one of the iterations of a Design-Based Research aimed at conceiving a Pedagogical Model of Education for Environmental Citizenship in primary education, in Portugal. The implementation of the pedagogical model was carried out in four public primary schools, in Portugal, with 23 classes (supervised by 23 teachers), and around 500 students, in total, distributed over the 4 years of schooling. Based on direct observation, field notes and semi-structured interviews carried out with the students, it was possible to answer the research questions, identifying their perceptions about the environmental citizenship activities carried out and the respective learning that resulted from these activities. In general, after the realization of environmental citizenship activities, students developed competencies for environmental citizenship, changed their behavior and attitudes and demonstrated a willingness to participate more actively in the resolution of local environmental problems together with the school and local community, thus developing their empowerment for action.

This test is one of the iterations of a Design-Based Research aimed at conceiving a Pedagogical Model of Education for Environmental Citizenship in primary education, in Portugal.

The implementation of the pedagogical model was carried out in four public primary schools, in Portugal, with 23 classes (supervised by 23 teachers), and around 500 students, in total, distributed over the 4 years of schooling.

Based on direct observation, field notes and semi-structured interviews carried out with the students, it was possible to answer the research questions, identifying their perceptions about the environmental citizenship activities carried out and the respective learning that resulted from these activities.

In general, after the realization of environmental citizenship activities, students developed competences for environmental citizenship, changed their behavior and attitudes and demonstrated a willingness to participate more actively in the resolution of local environmental problems together with school and local community, thus developing their empowerment for action.


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How to Cite

Monte, T., & Reis, P. (2024). Evaluation of a pedagogical model of education for environmental citizenship by students of primary education. Portuguese Journal of Education, 37(2), e24030. https://doi.org/10.21814/rpe.30935