Databases, Directories and Aggregators
1. E-mail articles to:
2. The journal accepts texts in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish and Italian.
3. Send manuscripts in their final version with Word format, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12-point font. Do not number the pages. Title of the article in bold, Times New Roman, 14-point font. Title and text must be aligned to the left.
4. The title of the Word document should indicate the number of the journal, the section in which the article should be included and two words from the title:
e.g.: SdC1 ESTUDOS female dramaturgy.
5. The originals must be unpublished and not submitted to another publication; must follow the editorial rules of the journal. Originals that comply with the journal's standards are subject to scientific arbitration.
6. The proposed articles are submitted for a first analysis to the Editorial Board. The articles which enter the Applied Studies and Thematic Dossier sections are then submitted to a scientific double-blind peer-review done by anonymous referees specialized in the different areas. The referees are chosen among the Scientific Committee, and in some cases external advice by specialists in the area of the proposals is required. The final decision to publish is made by the Editorial Board taking the referee’s reviews into consideration. In case alterations or corrections are asked for, the Editorial Board will zealously look into their introduction.
7. Acceptance of the article will be informed two months after its submission (unless other deadlines are announced in the Call for Articles).
8. An extra page, preceding the article, should contain the title, full name of the author, professional affiliation, ORCID, electronic address, abstract (with around 200 words) in a different language than the article, 5 key words and a Bio-blurb (of around five lines). In case the article is in English, the abstract and key-words must be sent in a different language.
9. The heading of the article must bear only the title.
10. Articles destined to the Thematic Dossier and Essays should have maximum 6.000 words.
11. Articles included in the Book Reviews section must have between 1200 and 2500 words. They must be accompanied by an image of the cover of the book and a reference to the work reviewed:
Ex: Edward Gordon Craig, Rumo ao novo teatro & Cena, translation by Luiz Fernando Ramos, S. Paulo, Editora Perspectiva, 2017, 217 pp.
12. Images (royalty free) referred to in the article should be sent in .tiff or JPEG format with 300 dpi. Images should include a short legend with the following information (when they refer to an art performance):
Show Title, Name of Author (when applicable), Staging, Choreography, Company’s Name or Production, Year of the premiere (Name of actors on the photo), [F] Name of Photographer.
e.g.: Dias felizes, by Samuel Beckett, staged by Roger Blin, Compagnie Renaud-Barrault, 1969 (Madeleine Renaud), [F] by John Haynes.
13. Images following the text must be identified and numbered:
e.g. SdC1 ESTUDOS female dramaturgy 1; Sdc1 ESTUDOS female dramaturgy 2, etc.
14. Captions corresponding to images must appear after the bibliographic references of the article, with Times New Roman size 11.
1. Within the text, the title of publications and performances should be in italics, and the title of articles in inverted commas.
1. Notes must appear in Times New Roman 10 at the end of the page, numbered sequentially. If quotations appear in notes they must be highlighted (if more than three lines) in Times New Roman 9.
1. Quotations in foreign language should be followed by their translation in square brackets.
2. Short quotations (up to three lines) may appear in the text within inverted commas. (Using inverted commas: “...”; in case of a quotation with commas within the quotation: “... ‘...’ ...”.)
3. Longer quotations should be printed in Times New Roman 10, without inverted commas, aligned to the left, with the indentation of the paragraph of the text (1,25 cm) and gathered to the right, with 14,25 cm.
4. Interpolations should appear within square brackets [ ].
5. Omissions will be signalled with suspension points within round brackets (...).
6. References within the article will be signalized by the Latin expressions (cf. supra, cf. infra).
7. All numbers, excepting dates, should be spelt out in full. Dates should appear written as follows: 25th of April 1974.
8. Latinisms (etc.; in media res; tabula rasa...) should appear in italics.
1. Epigraphs must be written in italics, Times New Roman 10; it is not necessary to mention the title of the work, only the author’s name.
Bibliographical Reference
1. References should always be made in the text, indicating within round brackets the name of the author, date of publication, and page. If it is an indirect quotation the above indications must be preceded by the word apud. Examples:
One author: (Carvalho, 2009: 7).
Two authors: (Porto/Menezes, 1985).
Three or more authors: (Serôdio et al., 2003).
Indirect quotation: (apud Rebello, 2000: 156).
2. A complete list of the works referred to in the article, ordered alphabetically by the name of the author, must appear at the end of the text written with Times New Roman 10. Use the title “Referências bibliográficas" if the text is in Portuguese, or "References" if the text is in English.
3. If the same author appears more than once two lines must appear under his name, and in case the work was published the same year a letter should be added (a, b, etc.)
4. The editorial house must always be mentioned. First edition date may be mentioned if it is considered important. These indications must be made at the end of the reference in square brackets. Translator’s name must always be mentioned. Examples:
LOUPPE, Laurence (2004), Poétique de la danse contemporaine, 3ème éd., Bruxelles, Éditions Contredanse [1997].
LOUPPE, Laurence (2012), Poética da dança contemporânea, trad. Rute Costa, Prefácio de Maria José Fazenda, Lisboa, Orfeu Negro.
CARVALHO, Paulo Eduardo (2006), Ricardo Pais: Actos e variedades, Porto, Campo das Letras.
TURNER, Cathy / Synne K. Behrndt (2008), Dramaturgy and Performance, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
RAMOS, Luiz Fernando (2009), “Por uma teoria contemporânea do espectáculo: mimesis e desempenho espectacular”, in Maria Helena Werneck / Maria João Brilhante (org.), Texto e imagem: Estudos de Teatro, Rio de Janeiro, 7 Letras, 89-103.
OLIVEIRA, Fernando Matos (2004), “Teatro e intermedialidade”, Sinais de cena, n.1, Junho, pp. 78-80.
MARTIN, Carol (2006), “Bodies of Evidence”, The Drama Review: Journal of Performance Studies. 50.3, pp. 8-15.
If there happens to be more than one reference of the same author and the same year, a letter should be added to the year: e.g. REBELLO, Luiz Francisco (1975a), (1975b).
Any additional information, such as the original date of publication of an article, must be presented in square brackets [ ].
Electronic bibliographic references (Webgraphy):
Online periodical publication article
SURNAME, First Name (Year), “Title of the article”, Title of Journal, volume/number. Retrieved on: day/month/year, available at: URL or DOI.
Ex: VICENTE, Gustavo (2022), “Where does the body go when the dance is over? An apology for goodbye”, Sinais de Cena, 3rd Series, n.º 1. Retrieved on: 02/06/2023, available at
Ex: VICENTE, Gustavo (2022), “Where does the body go when the dance is over? An apology for goodbye”, Sinais de Cena, 3rd Series, n.º 1.
Online document
SURNAME, First name (Year), Title of the document. Retrieved on: day/month/year, available at: URL.
Ex: PRESTES, António (1622), Auto dos Dous Irmãos. Retrieved on: 01/16/2023, available at:
Article accessed online with printed version:
SURNAME, First Name (Year), “Title of the article” [URL of the electronic version], Title of Publication, number: pages.
Ex: ROSA, Marta Brites (2009), “The political hero and the public” [], Sinais de Cena, no. 12: pp. . 43-45.
Article from a periodical publication that only exists online:
SURNAME, first name (year), “Title of the article”, Title of publication, number, consulted on: day, month, year, available at: URL.
Ex: MENDES, Anabela (2022), "Operation: 'Orfeo & Amduat'. Morte cénica enlaça doença e mito", Sinais de Cena, 3rd series, no. 1,
Document available online on the website of a University, organization or company:
SURNAME, First Name (Year), Title of the document. Retrieved on: day/month/year, on the website of the University/organisation/company: URL.
Ex: CAMPOS, Ana (2006), Pelas minorias, contra o racismo. Accessed on: 01/17/2023 on the Center for Theater Studies website:
Audio recording:
SURNAME, First Name (Year), Title [Sound recording], Place of publication, Publisher. Specific designation and extent of material.
Ex: MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus (1992), Mozart collection [Sound recording], Pandrup, Elap Music. 1 disc (CD) (61 min.).
Video record:
SURNAME, First Name (Year of publication), Title [Video record], Place of publication, Publisher. Specific designation and extent of material.
Ex: MEIRELES, Luís (2000), Flute and piano duo [Video recording], Aveiro, CEMED. 1 video cassette (VHS) (1 h., 30 min.).
NOTE: If the author of the document is not identified, the reference starts with the title of the document.
Any article that does not comply with the rules defined above will be sent back to the author for new text formatting. Texts that are not formatted according to the specified publication standards will not be submitted to scientific arbitration.
1. The opinions expressed in the texts submitted to Sinais de Cena are the responsibility of the authors.
2. The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right to first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons License, which allows the work to be shared with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
3. Authors undertake to follow this journal's “Guidelines for Authors”.
4. Whenever the text needs to be altered, at the suggestion of the peer reviewers or the Editorial Board, the authors undertake to accept these suggestions and introduce them under the requested conditions. Whenever there are changes that the authors disagree with, the respective justifications must be presented, case by case.
5. Reproduction of copyrighted material must be authorized in advance.
6. The texts must be original and not have been published in or submitted to other journals.
7. Authors who publish in Sinais de Cena will release their contributions under the Attribution - NonCommercial - No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0): “Licensees may share, copy and distribute the material in any medium or format, under the following terms: 1) You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. 2) You may not use the material for commercial purposes. 3) If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material".