Call for papers - Thematic Dossier, Sinais de Cena III Series, nr. 2



Coord. Catarina Firmo and Miguel Falcão


Puppet theatre and animated forms assumes itself as a hybrid artistic field of plural aesthetics and techniques, crossing ancestral traditions and contemporary stimuli. The contemporary panorama of Puppetry arts has seen a proliferation of artistic experiments and theoretical reflections, exploring a variety of manipulation techniques, the relationship with the actor-manipulator, emphasizing the plastic dimension and the link between dramaturgy and scenography.

In the field of writing and dramaturgy, Puppet theatre and animated forms invites us to a multiplicity of understandings and proposals about the text, ranging from plays with puppets or with actors who assume their characteristics, or even writings – theatrical or not – in which the puppets are the characters, right up to the essayistic dimension, in which the animated forms are understood as models of representation.

Traversing different cultural roots and artistic languages, Puppetry arts had proved to be a source of interest in different areas of knowledge, such as philosophy, psychology, educational sciences, anthropology, ethnography, among other examples.

The importance of Puppetry arts in the political-social spheres is manifested in the way it faced countless examples of censorship, not infrequently being an instrument of political-religious power and frequently assuming its character of irreverence and transgression.

Currently, Puppetry arts sets up a fertile artistic field to stimulate reflection on pressing themes, such as the speed imposed on the logic of consumption-production or the challenges of the digital world. Due to its freedom and expressive richness, it opens possibilities for the representation of expanded and non-normative bodies and is also a privileged place to debate the concepts of identity and gender.

The next thematic dossier of Sinais de Cena journal will be dedicated to Puppet Theatre and Animated Forms. The volume's organizers invite students, researchers and performing arts professionals to submit contributions that can expand knowledge about this form of theatre.


Topics (not limited) to consider:

- Crossing of artistic languages.

- Writing and dramaturgy for puppets and animated forms.

- Dialogues between tradition and modernity.

- Materials, scenography, and spatiality.

- Training in Puppetry and Animated Forms.

- Puppet Theatre and Animated Forms in different areas of human and social sciences.

- Puppet Theatre and Animated Forms in formal and non-formal education contexts.

- Power, censorship, and transgression.


All texts should be sent, until June 15, 2023, to:

Papers must be submitted in accordance with the following submission rules: