Carta-performance: pensamento artístico e mise-en-scène enunciativa




prática como investigação, performatividade da linguagem, carta, enunciação, ausência


The essay intends to reflect upon and put in practice the performative gesture as a means to touch the other through the epistolary genre. In a practice-as-research method, creative writing is used to show language's performativity – speech as sensible action, and research inquiry utilized to provide theoretical commentary and explanation – hence critical thinking. As an experiment of double-way articulation (Baetens, 2019), it adheres to the tacit knowledge propositions.Presenting a mise-en-scène of voices, the intended output suggests that communication is the sending (Derrida, 2007), intermittent and insistent,and thus where agency becomes palpable absence. Such a movement is to contrast with confinement – the blank page or our rooms.These letters, understood as a theatre of lives, textualize relations first with the reader (and all act of reading), secondly in a personal account into Mónica Calle’s spectatorship, and thirdly with the other(s) in the self. They witness time-passing and unknowing, intertwining carnality and writing, gender roles and femini sm, as well as ephemerality with memory via its performativity effects.In this devising procedure, brilliant examples are copied from cats, ghost and fried cuttlefish in a to-and-from discursive intertextuality.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo Marques, A. . (2022). Carta-performance: pensamento artístico e mise-en-scène enunciativa. Sinais De Cena, 3(1), 53–74.



Essays (Applied studies)