What is close-up magic? A contemporary modality in the art of magic


  • Miguel Nigro UNA - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE LAS ARTES, Departamento de Artes Visuales




close-up magic, contemporary, magic, definitions, artistic practice


Nowadays, close-up magic is the most widespread branch of illusionism. Its representations are easily recognizable and cover a wide variety of styles disseminated in different landscape and media. The singularity of this art, defined in the magic field in a synthetic way, stimulates to investigate in greater depth its foundations and its essential principles. In the first instance, it is necessary to survey and systematize the terminological range of the specialty. Then, using a comparative method, it is necessary to establish significant cross-references between the specific bibliography, direct observation and the testimony of the protagonists. From this initial arrangement, it is possible to analyze the practical and theoretical implications derived from close magic, which encompass not only the artistic sphere but also the social, ideological and cultural dimension. The research from various fields of knowledge, such as anthropology, theater studies, sociology, psychology and philosophy, provide appropriate concepts that contribute to the expanded definition of close-up magic. The development and partial results contained in this article are an advance of a work in progress for the doctoral thesis in Arts of the UNA (Universidad Nacional de las Artes, Bs. As.).


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How to Cite

Nigro, M. (2024). What is close-up magic? A contemporary modality in the art of magic. Sinais De Cena, 3(3), 214–244. https://doi.org/10.51427/cet.sdc.2024.3.3.11



Essays (Applied studies)