Techonology in a Learning Scenario on Physics and Mathematics Integration
A Study in Pre-Service Teacher Education
technology, STEM, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, learning scenario, pre-service teacher educationAbstract
This study comes from a teacher education experiment with prospective teachers (PTs) of physics and of mathematics, assuming a STEM perspective, in a learning scenario with technology. It focuses PTs’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) to promote the articulation of the two areas, trying to understand how they integrate technology in their lesson plans for one 8th grade class and what challenges and difficulties emerge in that context. The analysis of the data, collected through the PTs’ lesson plans and written reflections, focused on how they perceive and reflect on the technology use in the three dimensions of the adopted integration model. PTs are able to integrate the technology to support inquiry and argumentation processes when two disciplinary areas are present. However, technology’s use to promote the synthesis of knowledge emerges as a critical point, and thus it is one aspect of the PCK that demands more attention from teacher education.
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