Opinions and Perceptions of Teachers on Bullying
Some Results of a Qualitative Study
bullying, perception, teachers, schoolAbstract
Current literature considers it relevant to give attention to teachers' opinions and perceptions about bullying, since teachers interact daily with students and are often responsible for identifying and responding to bullying. This time, the primary objective of the study was to know the teachers' perception of the occurrence of bullying.
In order to carry out the present investigation, the semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The first part was used to collect personal information about the ten teachers who participated in the study, and a second part was composed of ten open-ended questions.
The main results point to the need for better teacher training on bullying, as well as the need for greater dissemination of the theme in order to alert schools to the consequences of these practices, particularly the development of prevention and intervention.
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