Interactions Between a School Teacher and a University Lecturer in a Shared Teaching Experience in Mathematics
teacher education, shared teaching, pre-service mathematics teacher education, interaction between teachersAbstract
In this paper we analyze the dynamics of interaction between a school teacher and a university lecturer, teaching together a module in the Pre-service Mathematics Teachers Undergraduate Program at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in a shared teaching format. The experience was developed as part of a research project entitled Shared Teaching Practices. In particular, we aim to identify possible conflicts and / or consonances in this dynamic. The results indicate that, despite the recognition of obstacles in its implementation, the shared teaching format has revealed potentialities for pre-service mathematics teachers’ education, contemplating an interactive dynamic of knowledge of different natures and driving shifts in the centrality of knowledge in a single teacher. The interaction between the teachers’ particular forms of contribution, with the authority of each one being enacted at specific moments, produced a result that is greater than the juxtaposition of the contributions each teacher could separately put forward.
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