Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education




collaboration, mathematics teacher education, training spaces, collaborative groups


Collaboration has stood out for its potential in the training of teachers who teach mathematics, for promoting interaction processes between teachers, future teachers, teacher educators, coordinators, among other educational agents, and, therefore, a learning environment for all people involved in those interaction processes. This special issue consists of nine articles that can contribute to a qualified debate about the potentialities and difficulties encountered in the search for a collaborative environment.


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Author Biography

Márcia Cristina de Costa Trindade Cyrino, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Brazil

Professora Titular da Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa nível 1D no CNPq

Membro do comitê assessor da área de Ciências Humanas da Fundação Araucária


Borko, H., & Potari D. (Eds.) (2020). Teachers of mathematics working and learning in collaborative groups - Proceedings of the 25th ICMI Study Teachers of Mathematics working and learning in Collaborative Groups. Lisboa, Portugal: Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa.

Chapman, O. (2008). Narratives in mathematics teacher education. In D. Tirosh & T. Wood (Eds.), The international handbook of mathematics teacher education: Tools and processes in mathematics teacher education (Vol. 2, pp. 15-38). Dordrecht: Sense Publishers.

Cyrino, M. C. C. T. (2016). Mathematics teachers’ professional identity development in communities of practice: Reifications of proportional reasoning teaching. Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática, 30, 165-187.

Jaworski, B. et al. (2017). Mathematics teachers working and learning through collaboration. In G. Kaiser (Ed.), Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. ICME-13 Monographs (pp. 261-276.). Springer, Cham.

Oliveira, H. M., & Cyrino, M. C. C. T. (2011). A formação inicial de professores de Matemática em Portugal e no Brasil: narrativas de vulnerabilidade e agência. Interacções, 7, 104-130.

Prediger, S. (2020). Content-Specific theory elements for explaining and enhancing teachers' professional growth in collaborative groups. In H. Borko & D. Potari (Eds.), Teachers of Mathematics working and learning in Collaborative Groups - Proceedings of the 25th ICMI Study (pp. 2-14). Lisboa, Portugal: Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa.

Robutti, O., Cusi, A., Clark‑Wilson, A., Jaworski, B., Chapman, O., Esteley, C., Goos, M., Isoda, M., & Joubert, M. (2016). ICME international survey on teachers working and learning through collaboration. ZDM Mathematics Education, 48, 651-690.

Triantafillou, C., Psycharis, G., Potari, D., Bakogianni, D., & Spiliotopoulou, V. (2021). Teacher educators’ activity aiming to support inquiry through mathematics and science teacher collaboration. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.

