Possibility of Educational Use of Facebook Zero in Higher Education
communication, higher education, students, internet, social networksAbstract
The use of social networks is part of the routine of most people, including higher education students. Due to limiting restrictions on internet access in Angola, Facebook Zero, a Facebook extension that allows user access without the cost of internet, has been an alternative means of network communication for many people. Thus, this study aimed to raise the possibility of using Facebook for educational purposes in higher education in Angola. The methodology of this research is in keeping with a quantitative perspective of an empirical-descriptive type. The results reveal that most participants were subscribers of at least one social network, with a higher incidence of the social network Facebook; on the other hand, the use of Facebook Zero, being free to access, easy to use and via mobile devices, can be leveraged for education, in a context of emergency education, as an incremental resource for promoting greater inclusion.
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