School Education in Eastern Angola
Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers and Students of the Implementation Process of School Education
school education, eastern region of Angola, perception of teachers and studentsAbstract
In 2002, Angola began expanding school education in communities reopened after the civil war. This paper seeks to understand how the Angolan State has implemented that process, based on the perception of people who teach and study in the 1st and 2nd secondary education cycles in the eastern region. A questionnaire survey was carried out on a sample of 408 students from the 9th, 12th and 13th classes, and 127 teachers of 11 schools. The results allow us to highlight: reasons for the demand for school education by the population; conceptions about what school education is, its role and purposes; expectations and transformations recognized by the participants that result from the presence of school education in their lives; appreciation of the State's policies concerning the promotion of public education, and reasons that lead respondents to adopt more and less optimistic perspectives regarding the State's intervention in promoting schooling. The research allows to understand that the populations of this study adhere to school education for what it represents as a chance for improvement in their lives, and the role of the State in implementating and developing school education is by no means a closed matter, as there is the need to improve the territorial coverage of school education, school facilities, and to increase the quantity and quality of teachers.
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