Socio-scientific Controversies as an Opportunity to Connect with the Territory and to Innovate Through Professional Learning Communities
socio-scientific controversies, learning community, educational innovationAbstract
This research explores four teachers’ co-transformation of the practices in a science teacher professional development programme, through the implementation of educational innovations based on socio-scientific controversies with territorial relevance. A reflective thematic analysis is carried out based on four themes: socio-scientific controversies, impact of the learning community, pedagogical innovation and transformation of practices, in different sources such as reflections, focus group transcription and pedagogical innovation plans elaborated by the group. The a priori and emerging themes and sub-themes are identified in the data sources and show results that point to the relevance of the socio-scientific controversies framed in the territory of the Chiloé Archipelago (Chile) as a triggering element of the pedagogical innovation implemented, as well as deep reflections on the practice itself and continuous improvement in the context of collaborative work in community.
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