A Technological Approach
educative innovation, technology, digital natives, videogames and literatureAbstract
The official school study program determines that the Portuguese students have to fully read a set of literary works, representative of our national culture. However, the characteristics of urban 21st century-youth are incompatible with this proposal and this creates new challenges for educators. In this article, we describe a pedagogical experiment involving the use of new technologies, which placed students in an active position of autonomous literary text interpreters. This work led a specific group of students to produce a set of different videogames. This paper reports this experiment, details the computer resources they utilised and briefly describes their different readings of Memorial do Convento, by José Saramago. The conclusions of this experiment point to a different work conception, one which is able to remove the teacher from the traditional role of knowledge transmitter and allows for the creation of a suitable postmodern school.
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