Places of Encounter in Dance, Education and Creation
art education, dance, choreographic processAbstract
This text intends to think about contemporary choreographic creation in an educational plane. Thus, in the context of theatrical dance and contemporary choreographic creation practices, it establishes a set of axes of reflection on the methods and processes of choreographic creation. It is an investigation that promotes meeting places, as places that relate artistic and pedagogical practices. Methodologically, the field of investigation, is in the interstices of the artist, teacher, and researcher. Therefore, artistic practice is thought as a cartography of experiences in dialogue with an investigative writing to maintain the life and the immanent movement of these unique processes. Where the teacher-choreographer and the student-interpreter are two crucial figures who share the infinitive form of the verb ‘to create’. Thus, the choreographic work is problematized as a place of dialogue between the agents of creation. Namely, the importance of the body and its indeterminacy on the path of encounter. How the unknown destabilizes the process, giving it a valuable fragility in the field of artistic education and the resistance of choreographic work. The creator-interpreter enshrines the possibility of entering a creative process towards a minor world, in a horizontal and collaborative relational scheme. Creation and education are ways of awakening attention to the unfolding of the body and, consequently, to its autopoietic and self-transforming mechanism proposing a new geographical landscape.
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