The wine as promoter of tourism development. Analysis of tourism competitiveness in the wine route Rias Baixas
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Ventaja competitiva, Enoturismo, Los agentes del turismo, Estrategia, Rutas del vinoResumen
Tourists are increasingly informed, demanding and difficult to retain. They frequently seek to do different activities during their free time. On the other hand, one of the tourist segments which has gained prominence by offering diverse experiences is the wine tourism. Galicia is one of the greatest wine producing regions in Europe and has some of the oldest denominations of origin of the Iberian Peninsula. The Wine Route Rias Baixas - Galicia for the third consecutive time saw increased its number of visitors. Therefore, this article analyzed this route from the perspective of Integrated Interfunctional System for Competitiveness, which based on Porter's diamond, it studies the competitive advantages of a tourist destination. A survey has been conducted based on a descriptive method in order to evaluate the competitive reality of this wine tourism destination. This analysis considers the tourism sector as a conglomerate of attributes that can be the factors of production, the nature of the home-market demand, the presence of related and supporting industries, strategy, structure and rivalry between the companies in this case also competing destinations. We found that RVRB has advantages over its competitors due to the adopted development strategies that involve all crucial attributes for tourism competitiveness. The paper is divided into 5 sections: a) Introduction; b) State of the art of wine tourism; c) Review of the competitiveness theory; d) Presentation and application of the SIIC at the destination; and, e) Final considerations. The aim of this study is provide this strategic segment with another tool that allows destinations to enhance their competitiveness.
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