Metamorfoze preservation imaging guidelines


  • José Miguel Maia Figueirinhas


preservation imaging, Metamorfoze guidelines, Rijksmuseum, color, digitization


The Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines define a practical protocol to the level of equipment (photographic and computer) and digital image capturing procedures performing the implementation of these guidelines, through a highly accurate color management, consisting in a calibration of the equipment in order to achieve true color, tone and natural density, ensuring that the object that we’ll see already digitized will be perfectly equal to the object seen in loco with the same lighting conditions where it was photographed. The Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines define the Rijksmuseum's quality standards and determine an extremely high quality standard of the digital images which were collected, but, most of all, totally faithful to the original objects.


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• Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2000a). CIELAB - Color Models - Technical Guides. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2000b). CIEXYZ - Color Models - Technical Guides. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2000c). Device Profiles - Color Management Systems - Technical Guides. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2000d). The CIE Color Models - Color Models - Technical Guides. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2014, Maio 10). The RGB (CMY) Color Model - Color Models - Technical Guides. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• American Society of Media Photographers. (s.d.). Color Space and Color Profiles. Obtido 11 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Cruse, P. (s.d.). The CIE XYZ Colour Space and the xy Colour Gamut an Introduction. Obtido 10 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Dormolen, H. van. (2012, Janeiro). Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines - Image Quality, version 1.0. Obtido de <>.

• Dormolen, H. van, Gillesse, R., & Reerink, H. (2007). Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines - June 2007. A. Langendoen (Ed.). Koninklijke Bibliotheek: National Library of the Netherlands.

• FADGI - Digital Transitions Department of Cultural Heritage. (s.d.). Image Performance Report. Obtido 3 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative. (s.d.). Guidelines: Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Cultural Heritage Materials. Obtido 3 de Maio de 2014, de <>.

• Geffert, S. (2012). Phocus - Fine Art Reproduction Configuration Guide. Obtido de •History of the Rijksmuseum. (s.d.). Obtido 2 de Abril de 2014, de <>.



How to Cite

Figueirinhas, J. M. M. (2016). Metamorfoze preservation imaging guidelines. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (50), 19–47. Retrieved from


