
With a multidisciplinary vocation and scope, it publishes scientific articles, technical-scientific articles, and theoretical or applied studies resulting from original research in different scientific fields and areas, namely those corresponding to the fields of teaching and research developed in Portugal and abroad. The editorial policy follows the Principles of Transparency and Good Practice in Academic Publishing of the COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics and the criteria of the Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ, at no cost to the author or the reader. The reviewing process will be integrally managed in a double-blind review system, preserving the identity of authors and reviewers. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health is guided by the principle that scientific facts and opinions must be separated: the former are untouchable, and the latter is free. This publication is independent of political and economic power and any pressure group, identifying itself with democratic, pluralist, and solidary values. In carrying out its activity, the journal is strictly ruled by the ethical and deontological norms of scientific and research activities and journalism. It defends the pluralism of opinion without prejudice to being able to take its positions.


1. The Journal's Board of Reviewers is composed of national and foreign individuals of recognized academic and scientific merit;
2. Selection of the members of the Reviewers Board is the responsibility of the Journal's Editorial Team, and their participation may be contingent or occasional.
3. The Reviewers are responsible for assessing the quality of the texts submitted for publication and preparing the respective scientific and technical opinions within the established deadline.
4. The articles proposed for publication are submitted to a blind peer review system according to the criteria described below, safeguarding the specificity of the typology of the articles:

  1. Relevance of the article for the diffusion and development of the respective scientific area;
  2. Originality (significant and innovative contribution);
  3. Objectives (formulation and adequacy);
  4. Precision (correctness and accuracy of the concepts);
  5. Methods (suitability and depth regarding the topic’s approach; the observance of scientific research and publications’ ethical standards);
  6. Results (accurate presentation, analysis, and discussion);
  7. Conclusions (contribution for innovative or confirmatory knowledge); the study’s technical and scientific implications; its limitations and further research possibilities);
  8. Up-to-date and accurate References (exactness of the citations used; precise and accurate reference technique);
  9. General quality of the text (the objective that is to be achieved; logical and balanced structure; clear and coherent presentation; objective and factual writing style; grammar correctness and precision in language;
  10. Adjustment to the Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health editorial policy and standards found on the journal’s website.

5. The assessment of the article is carried out anonymously by two or more reviewers according to the appropriate assessment tool
6. The reviewers have at their disposal a grid for evaluating the quality of the article. This is available on the Journal's website.
7. Reviewers are given a maximum of four consecutive weeks from the date of receipt of the text to evaluate the article and issue their opinion. The Editorial Team reserves the right to alter this deadline in specific cases. The computer system generates reminders to alert the reviewer of the review process times.
8. If it is impossible to review the texts, reviewers must inform the Section Editor within eight (8) days of receiving them so the Editor can send them to another reviewer. If a reviewer does not meet the deadline, they will be removed from the review process, and a third party will be designated for this purpose.
9. The quality classification of articles is made according to four levels: Level A (the article should be published without changes); Level B (the article can be published with some changes); Level C (the article can be published with the changes suggested by the reviewer; the new version of the work requires appreciation); Level D (the article does not meet the conditions for publication).
10. Authors receive the Editor's evaluation and an anonymous copy of the Reviewers' opinion aggregating the evaluation and comments for the authors.
11. Authors should proceed with the changes and submit a new version of the article within 30 days after the notification, which the decision of the Editor may exceptionally revise.
12. The reviewers have the right to present a favorable opinion conditioned to the reformulation of the article. 


Peer review is a constructive process. Therefore, the reviewers, besides evaluating the scientific content of the article, should contribute with criticisms and recommendations for its improvement. When justified, the reviewers' opinions/comments will be sent to the authors. However, the article's authors will not know the identity of the reviewers.

1 - All articles submitted to Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health will be assessed for their quality and technical-scientific merit through a process of arbitration by peers, with a double-blind review.

2 - The process of arbitration and assessment begins after receipt of the submitted article and culminates with its publication or refusal. It is supported by the 8-step ABCDEFGH Publication Decision Flowchart: A- Assignment of Code; B- Pre-analysis; C- Peer Review; D- Supervision of Review;  E- Final Review; F- Translation; G- Composition, Graphic Design, and Layout; HTML; H- Dissemination in databases.

A - Code Assignment: All articles submitted to Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health receive a numerical code to support the arbitration process in a double-blind review system, preserving the identity of authors and reviewers;

B - Pre-analysis: After receiving the article, the Section Editor conducts a first evaluation focusing on the editorial policy's adequacy and relevance. If the article meets the conditions and is recommended for review, the Section Editor submits the article to the Urkund Program to detect plagiarism. If it passes the Section Editor's pre-evaluation, the article enters the blind peer review phase. If not approved, the Section requests the missing documents or communicates to the authors the refusal of the publication.

C - Peer review: The Section Editor forwards the article to two reviewers of the manuscript's area of expertise. These reviewers will evaluate the manuscript and issue their opinions from their reserved area. The final result, based on the specific evaluation tools of the article under analysis, will be expressed as Level A (the article should be published without changes); Level B (the article can be published with some changes); Level C (the article can be published provided that with the introduction of the changes suggested by the reviewer; the new version of the work requires appreciation); Level D (the article does not meet the conditions for publication).

Whenever there is no agreement between the reviewers' opinions, or in the case of justified doubts, the Section Editor will send the article to a third reviewer for an opinion.

In case of acceptance subject to revision or re-drafting, new dates for the re-drafting and subsequent re-evaluation process will be set.

The opinions will focus, among others, on the following topics.

  1. Relevance of the article for the diffusion and development of the respective scientific area;
  2. Originality (significant and innovative contribution);
  3. Objectives (formulation and adequacy);
  4. Precision (correctness and accuracy of the concepts);
  5. Methods (suitability and depth regarding the topic’s approach; the observance of scientific research and publications’ ethical standards);
  6. Results (accurate presentation, analysis, and discussion);
  7. Conclusions (contribution for innovative or confirmatory knowledge); the study’s technical and scientific implications; its limitations and further research possibilities);
  8. Up-to-date and accurate References (exactness of the citations used; precise and accurate reference technique);
  9. General quality of the text (the objective that is to be achieved; logical and balanced structure; clear and coherent presentation; objective and factual writing style; grammar correctness and precision in language;
  10. Adjustment to the Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health editorial policy and standards that can be found on the journal’s website.

D - Supervision of the Review: After the authors have responded to all the reviewers' recommendations, the Section Editorconsiders the paper.

E - Final Supervision: The text of the article is checked from a morphological and syntactic point of view. The authors will be informed of the final decision of publication, adding the anonymous opinions of the reviewers, only in those cases in which the Section Editordeems it justified. The final decision for publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief, considering the opinion of the Section Editor.

F - Translation: After the decision to accept publication in Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health, articles written in Portuguese and Spanish will be translated into English, level A, by the author. It is the author's responsibility to ensure a certified translation and to submit the translated version within the deadline stipulated by the journal.

G - Composition, Graphic Design, Layout, and DOI Assignment.

H - Digital dissemination in databases: Document Technicians proceed to the creation of the metadata (HTML, XML, and selective dissemination materials). The articles are available in full text for free access on the journal's web page. They are also sent to all databases, indexers, and dissemination circuits. 


Millenium, Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, offers immediate open access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.
The journal allows self-archiving in institutional repositories of all versions, which may become immediately available.


Millenium, Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, uses Open Journal Systems, a free, open-source journal administration and publishing system developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) under the GNU General Public License. PKP is a multi-university initiative that develops (free) open-source software and conducts research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. OJS contains the PKP PN plugin, a means to preserve journal contents in the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), which digitally preserves OJS journals. PKP PN ensures that journals that are not part of any other digital preservation service can be preserved for long-term access. PKP enables publishers of OJS journals to digitally preserve their content in a decentralized and distributed way. This means that if a journal stops being published or goes offline, there will be a way to have continuous long-term access to the articles and issues (preservation for long-term access).
For more information, see: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/


Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health has a deposit registration policy at SHERPA/ROMEO - http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/


The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Millenium, Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, the magazine does not carry out any direct marketing such as direct mail, telemarketing, direct response advertising to authors, or invitations to submit articles. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health does not use direct marketing consisting of promotion or communication activity sent directly to authors or companies to submit articles to magazine issues.
It is important to note that not all marketing is good marketing, especially for research journals, direct marketing techniques contain negative elements that impact the field of global authentic research. Millenium believes in authentic research and publishing with a double-blind peer review process.

Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies and Health does not adopt any Advertising Policy, as it does not accept advertisements.