2020 | Álvaro Domingues

The Annual Lesson of Finisterra 2020 was given by Professor Álvaro Domingues, geographer, PhD in Human Geography, professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto and researcher at the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism at FAUP.

His research focuses on Human Geography, Landscape, Urbanism and Urban Policies.

His various publications include the following: Território Casa Comum (2017); Volta a Portugal (2017); Vive-se melhor nas cidades? (2012); Transgenic Landscapes (2012); Vida no Campo (2012); A Rua da Estrada (2009); Políticas  Urbanas (2004) e Políticas Urbanas II (2011); From city to urbanity (2010); Landscape and identity: near a nervous breakdown  (2009), among many other books, chronicles, articles, academic works and photography.

The Annual Lesson can be viewed here (presentation / recorded session).

Given the conditions imposed by the pandemic, the Annual Lesson took place entirely online and was attended by over 200 people from various parts of the world.

Slightly over a quarter of the participants evaluated the lecture: the organization of the event was evaluated by 86% as excellent, 10% as very good and 4% as good, while the assessment of the pertinence of the topic was considered by 85% as very relevant and 14% as relevant.