O limite marítimo do estuário do Sado a partir de imagens satelitais


  • Eugénia Albergaria Moreira




SEA-SIDE LIMIT OF SADO ESTUARY IN LANDSAT IMAGERIES - The outside limit of Sado estuary corresponds to the submarine delta front, with an arcuate and digitate contour. It was individualised on the MSS Landsat data imageries. Multispectral data classification allowed to verify that the turbidity-plum of Sado estuary mouth rather corresponds to the low-sea-water surface associated to the brightness of the bottom sediments, that to the water turbidity content.


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How to Cite

Moreira, E. A. (1995). O limite marítimo do estuário do Sado a partir de imagens satelitais. Finisterra, 30(59/60). https://doi.org/10.18055/Finis1819