The Covid-19 pandemic process in Mainland Portugal.

A geographical analysis of the first 100 days




The spatial diffusion of SARS-CoV-2 highlights the importance of geography in the interpretation of these phenomena. This article aims to identify the spread dynamics of COVID-19 in Mainland Portugal, at the municipal level, between March and June of 2020, and its relation with demographic and socio-economic factors. The diffusion process started in more populated and economically active areas, following the frontier areas, and later, it spread to lower density and ageing territories. The most recent trend shows a resumption of the importance of dense urban areas associated with the most vulnerable socio-economic groups concentrated in the functional Lisbon region.


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Author Biography

Eduarda Marques, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território - Universidade de Lisboa

Eduarda Marques da Costa, born in Lisbon in 1966, PhD in Geography-Spatial Planning in 2001, is a senior researcher and an associate professor in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of University of Lisbon. She teaches Geography and Spatial Planning since 1990, and she is a researcher in the Centre of Geographical Studies, since 1987. The main scientific areas of their interest are Sustainable urban development; Regional, Urban and Local Planning, Urban Geography and Evaluation of Public Policies. She has been teaching Methodologies of Evaluation of Public Policies and spatial planning in graduation and master courses. Current: 2020/ … - Member of coordination group of Master in Spatial Planning and Urbanism, IGOT-FA-IST, ULisboa 2020/ … - Member of scientific committee of Master in Spatial Planning and Urbanism, IGOT-FA-IST, ULisboa 2015-2017 and 2020/… - Member of Health Network – University of Lisbon (RedeSaude – ULisboa) 2017/2018 – Expert member to the definition of the “Future of Cities Agenda, National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and High Education 2016/… - Member of the Direction of Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos (Portuguese Association of Geographers) 2015/… - URBACT III Programme (European Commission)– Ad-Hoc expert. Thematic Expertise – Health; Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies 2015/… - Board Member of IUPEA - International Urban Planning and Environment Association 2014/… - Member of the Scientific Commission of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning Assembly, University of Lisbon 2011/… - Associate Professor, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon 2009/… - Coordinator of Modelling and Spatial Planning Research Group (; 1988/… -



How to Cite

Costa, E. M. ., & Marques da Costa, N. (2021). The Covid-19 pandemic process in Mainland Portugal.: A geographical analysis of the first 100 days. Finisterra, 55(115), 11–18.