COVID-19 Geographical Readings


  • Margarida Queirós CEG-IGOT-ULisboa
  • Mário Vale CEG-IGOT-ULisboa



We live in a unique moment in the history of our lives. The virus that caused this pandemic is certainly not the worst that humanity has faced, despite the complexity of the crisis it has generated and the unprecedented socioeconomic disruption it is causing, at all scales on the planet. The damage to local economies and global supply chains is incalculable, affecting safety and quality of life, among many other aspects of our existence. For thousands of people, life will never be the same (Couclelis, 2020).

Like all economic, social, cultural and political activity, scientific research was also profoundly affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency forced the scientific community to find new ways, not always the most effective, of working and continuing to produce and disseminate knowledge, right from the start about the disease itself, its nature, diffusion, effects and consequences.

In the case of the Centre for Geographical Studies, in addition to the specific activities of its various research groups, two important general and somewhat complementary initiatives were undertaken to respond to the pandemic situation.



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How to Cite

Queirós, M., & Vale, M. (2021). COVID-19 Geographical Readings. Finisterra, 55(115), 3–9.