"Space, place and territory – figures of contemporary Portuguese thought"

by André Carmo (Coord.)





This text presents the book Space, place and territory - figures in contemporary Portuguese thought.
contemporary Portuguese thought. It is a volume published at the end of 2022, organised by the geographer
André Carmo, with the seal of Edições Afrontamento, which illustrates the path of a diverse set of Portuguese
of Portuguese thinkers, from different areas of the social sciences and humanities. This volume presents
the academic and professional paths, as well as the main bibliographical references, of several professors and
several professors and researchers who have marked Portuguese thought, and continue to do so,
from the second half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. It is a work that can be of
of interest to all those who study the evolution of landscapes, natural or transformed by the action of citizens, as well as the effects on
citizens, as well as the effects, in space, territory and places, of the policies implemented. It is a
book to which the reader can return whenever the study or work presupposes knowledge, in an interdisciplinary way, of the major
interdisciplinary way, of the major social, economic and environmental issues that have marked the evolution of Portuguese society since the 1970s.
Portuguese society since the 1970s.


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How to Cite

Rego, M. da C. (2023). "Space, place and territory – figures of contemporary Portuguese thought": by André Carmo (Coord.). Finisterra, 58(122), 135‑138. https://doi.org/10.18055/Finis29957



Book Review