Contest - Books that count
Books that count: discover a book and make it known
CEG-IGOT Library
3rd Edition - Papers reception until April 30th, 2024
Both in paper and digital format, books continue to be essential vehicles for the dissemination of scientific production and reflection, with libraries functioning as a repository of this knowledge and journals as instruments of its promotion (for example, through the publication of book reviews).
With this in mind, the CEG-IGOT Library (ULisboa) and the Finisterra Journal established a partnership that aims to encourage the reading of scientific works and the writing of their summaries, with the ultimate purpose of contributing to the reinforcement of knowledge and curiosity and the creativity of students. We also seek to promote the dissemination of books in our Library, through their possible discussion and the writing of critical summaries.
In concrete terms, the competition consists of preparing a critical review, under the terms of the Regulation indicated below, of a book (physical or digital) published in the last 5 years (exclusively) that exists in the CEG-IGOT Library's collection. The best reviews will be published in Finisterra Journal, the authors of which will also receive a prize alluding to the Competition and a set of books.
1. The objective of the Contest is to prepare a Review (maximum of 10 000 characters including spaces) of a book deposited in the physical or digital collection of the CEG-IGOT Library, published in the last 5 years;
2. Students enrolled in any course and cycle of studies (Graduation, Masters, Doctorate) of IGOT or of which IGOT is a partner can compete.
3. Students enrolled in any course and cycle of studies promoted by another School of the University of Lisbon may apply, as long as they work in co-authorship with IGOT students.
4. Participation can be individual or in groups, up to a maximum of 3 students.
5. The choice of the book may be the result of individual interest or the recommendation of a professor in the context of the contents of a particular curricular unit.
6. The text should make known the fundamental ideas and conclusions of the book, present a critical reflection on it and, ideally, stimulate curiosity and reading intentions.
7. The texts must be original, respect copyright and comply with the rules for authors made available by Finisterra at:
8. The works in competition will be submitted through the e-mail, on a date to be fixed annually, published on the web pages of the Library, CEG and IGOT.
9. The competing texts will be evaluated by a Jury specifically constituted for the competition, composed of a researcher belonging to the Editorial Committee of the CEG, a member of the editorial team at Finisterra and a professor from IGOT.
10. It is up to the Jury to elect and order the winning texts based on the following criteria: Synthesis of the book's ideas; Originality and innovative character of the approach; Critical Perspective and its relevance; Clarity and linguistic correction of speech.
11. The best selected works (up to a maximum of 3 per year) will be published in the Finisterra Journal (subject to eventual revision suggestions made by the journal's reviewers).
12. The authors of the texts, by participating, cede the reproduction and use rights of the original images/texts to CEG-IGOT, which can be used as communication and dissemination content.
We look forward to your participation!
DOCUMENTS: Regulation (PDF)