Uma Investigação sobre Hábitos Alimentares com a Colaboração de Estudantes do Ensino Superior com Necessidades Educativas


  • Bento Cavadas
  • Elisabete Linhares



This work was done within the framework of the learning objectives of the Quality of Life curricular unit of the Digital Literacy for the Labor Market (LDMT) course and carried out with higher education students with educational needs. The main objective is to present a reflection about the learning process of these students during the implementation of a didactic sequence related to healthy eating. The evidence collected from LDMT students' participation in the different activities of the didactic sequence shows that they have acquired or improved knowledge about healthy eating. The main constraints resulted from the students having different prior knowledge about eating and difficulties in performing certain tasks autonomously. One of the activities of this sequence consisted of conducting a study on the eating habits of a sample of students from the higher education institution. A survey was applied to 36 higher education students, by the LDMT students, in order to quantify the types of food eaten by the participants at lunch. The objective was to identify healthy and unhealthy eating habits. The results were presented in graphics. The analysis of the results shows that the students’ food at lunch was diversified, considering the food wheel groups, but presented some dietary errors associated with the consumption of processed food, fast food, cakes and sweets. This study, involving LDMT students in some stages of the research process, allowed them to develop their skills in this area.



How to Cite

Cavadas, B., & Linhares, E. (2019). Uma Investigação sobre Hábitos Alimentares com a Colaboração de Estudantes do Ensino Superior com Necessidades Educativas. Interacções, 15(50), 155–179.



Number 25 - Special Number - Adolescence, Gender and Violences