Caregiver skills inventory: factorial structure in a sample of portuguese participants


  • Madalena Cunha Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
  • João Duarte Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. Escola Superior de Saúde de Viseu
  • Ana Cardoso Unidade de Cuidados Continuados Integrados - Almada Saúde
  • Ana Ramos Cambridge University Hospital Trust (Medicine for the Elderly)
  • Diogo Quintais Lewin Stroke and Rehab Unit - Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trus
  • Raquel Monteiro Hospital da Luz de Lisboa; Lar Dona Maria - Cruz de Pau
  • Rita Castela Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Trancoso - Lar
  • Vanessa Almeida Lar Dona Maria - Cruz de Pau



Factor structure, Skills, Caregivers


Introduction: The Caregiver Skills Inventory translated from the original Caring Ability Inventory (CAI) by Ngozi Nkongho (1999) was designed to measure skills that are self-perceived by informal caregivers. Considering that some caregivers may not be able to care for dependants and that knowledge about this problem is still lacking, it is justified to develop research in this area.

Objectives: To evaluate the psychometric properties, namely the factorial structure and internal consistency; Self-perceived skills by informal caregivers.

Methods: A cross-sectional observational study with a methodological focus was carried out in a community context, in a sample of 214 participants (86.9% women), with a mean age of 51.07 years. 63.6% of the participants live in rural areas; 66.8% have a partner; 57.5% studied up to the 3rd cycle of basic education, 65.9% have a highly functional family, 51.9% are in a nuclear or simple family. The internal consistency was studied and a confirmatory factorial analysis of the Caring Ability Inventory of Ngozi Nkongho (1999) was performed.

Results: The internal consistency study of the Caring Ability Inventory by Ngozi Nkongho (1999), Spanish version of the Skills Inventory of the Caretaker of Berdejo & Parra (2008), confirmed the original structure, presenting three factors: Factor 1 - Knowledge (α=0.78); Factor 2 - Courage (α=0.65); Factor 3 - Patience (α=0.78). The Cronbach's alpha value for the CAI global was 0.84. Overall, 45.3% of the participants had acceptable skills to care for, 27.6% had very adequate care skills, and in 27.1% the skills were inadequate.

Conclusions: This research contributes to the study of the psychometric properties of the Caring Ability Inventory, in a sample of the Portuguese population. The comparative analysis of the findings of the present investigation with the results obtained by Ngozi Nkongho (1999) revealed that, in the present study, the factorial structure is maintained and that the internal consistency values in the Global Note coincide (α=0.84), but in Knowledge and Courage factors are lower and in the Patience factor higher. The assessment of an instrument to measure the abilities of caregivers empowers nurses to implement their assessment and measurement in clinical practice in order to identify the most vulnerable clusters, that is, the groups of caregivers with less skill and to elaborate a proposal for intervention in terms of aid/formal intervention.


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Author Biography

Madalena Cunha, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu



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How to Cite

Cunha, M., Duarte, J., Cardoso, A., Ramos, A., Quintais, D., Monteiro, R., Castela, R., & Almeida, V. (2018). Caregiver skills inventory: factorial structure in a sample of portuguese participants. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(6), 41–55.



Life and Healthcare Sciences