Health of immigrant families: pedagogical strategies in nursing training


  • Alcinda Reis IPSantarém, ESSS, UI-IPS, UMIS - Santarém, Portugal
  • Ana Spínola IPSantarém, ESSS, UI-IPS, UMIS - Santarém, Portugal


Emigrants and immigrants, Cultural competency, Teaching methods, Health promotion, Nursing students


Introduction: Clinical practice of nurses with immigrant families presents difficulties in promoting their health. This statement gave support to teaching strategies in nursing education context – promoting the construction of cultural competencies. In the research developed, elements were identified as facilitators of communication and initial assessment of families, promoting adhesion and continuity in care.

Objective: To analyse the construction of cultural competencies in 1st cycle students, sustained by scientific evidence, starting from stimulus situations in classroom – narratives of immigrant families.

Methods: Qualitative and ethnographic study; data collection techniques: narratives, participant observation, focus groups and interviews. Mobilization of the case study analysis in classroom context, framed by narratives produced by nurses – stimulus situations. Use of the instrument for evaluation of immigrant family/person, suggested by Campinha-Bacote (2011) – LEARN (Listen, Explain, Acknowledge, Recommend, Negociate). Results: Knowledge emerges in the intervention with families – values, customs, beliefs and practices of health, for decision making and problem solving.

Conclusions: The strategy proved to be a facilitator of cultural competences in students by providing guidelines objectives to be achieved in theoretical teaching and clinical teaching mobilization, regarding health promotion with immigrant families.


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How to Cite

Reis, A., & Spínola, A. (2016). Health of immigrant families: pedagogical strategies in nursing training. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, (1), 63–69. Retrieved from



Life and Healthcare Sciences