Implications of family presence for inpatient safety

systematic review protocol


  • Tânia Sofia Correia Biomedical Science Institute Abel Salazar, NursID Research Group - Cintesis, Porto, Portugal. Pedopsychiatry at the Baixo Vouga Hospital Center, Aveiro, Portugal
  • Maria Manuela Martins Nursing School of Porto, Research Group NursID - Cintesis, Porto, Portugal
  • Fernando Barroso Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal



systematic review, patient safety, nursing care, family, hospitalization


Introduction: Current data on health care security remains a concern, so the topic has been studied and evaluated across a range of domains. Among the recommendations for improving safety, there is the centralization of healthcare in the client and consequently the need for greater involvement of the family and the family in this process. It is within this scope that Nursing can play a preponderant role. There are nursing theorists who recognize the importance of family and care partnership. However, the acceptability and perceptions nurses have of this strategy are, in some studies, contradictory. 

Objetives: Identify, gather and analyze the best available evidence on the implications of family presence on inpatient safety 

Methods: A systematic review according to the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute was proposed for systematic reviews of prevalence and incidence. A search strategy must be adapted to each data bank proposed by this protocol. A selection of two studies will attend to the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined as a methodological qualification two months. 

Conclusions: From the critical analysis of the data obtained we intend to contribute to the knowledge and arguments for the theme of family involvement in the provision of hospital care in the context of client safety. 


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How to Cite

Correia, T. S., Martins, M. M., & Barroso, F. (2020). Implications of family presence for inpatient safety: systematic review protocol . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(5e), 201–207.



Life and Healthcare Sciences