Inclusion and innovation in schools

contributions of an intermunicipal project to promote the successful learning


  • Sandrina Milhano Politécnico de Leiria, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, Ci&DEI, CICS.NOVA, Leiria, Portugal
  • Susana Reis Politécnico de Leiria, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, Ci&DEI, CICS.NOVA, Leiria, Portugal
  • Catarina Mangas Politécnico de Leiria, Escola Superior de Educação e Ciências Sociais, CICS.NOVA, Ci&DEI, Leiria, Portugal



inclusion, school dropout, pre-school and school education, innovation, successful learning


Introduction: The study is part of an intermunicipal strategy, that supports collaborative dynamics and networking in promoting school success.

Objectives: To characterize the activity implemented by multidisciplinary municipal teams, part of the Integrated and Innovative Plan to Combat School Failure in the intervention area of the Leiria Region; Reflect on the results achieved with its implementation.

Methods: The investigation is of a qualitative nature, in an essentially descriptive study. The process of conceiving and developing the Plan is framed, from the diagnosis to the monitoring of the innovative educational practices implemented. The data were collected in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, resulting from the development and application of the teams' Quarterly Report Model, by intervention area and municipality, and the Monitoring Grid. The teams totaled 37 technicians from 7 areas, whose action included children and students attending pre-school education and the 1st CEB, spread over 21 School Networks.

Results: The results presented suggest that the types of action implemented by the municipal multidisciplinary teams and the methodological and conceptual options adopted in PIICIE, contributed to meeting the needs identified in the contexts, in a focused and integrated action, in articulation with the communities. These factors were essential in preventing school dropouts and in implementing a strategy of action that integrates and promotes collective awareness of educational success.

Conclusion: It is suggested that the teams' intervention and the methodological options adopted, in a collective, integrated and integrating action of the local and intermunicipal communities, were essential factors for the results achieved in the promotion of school success and in the prevention of early school leaving and important contributions to the development and territorial cohesion of the region, for each of its ten municipalities, families and children.


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How to Cite

Milhano, S., Reis, S., & Mangas, C. (2021). Inclusion and innovation in schools : contributions of an intermunicipal project to promote the successful learning . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(9e), 261–269.



Education and Social Development Sciences