Teachers conceptions and practices on the history in mathematics teaching in a training context





history of mathematics, mathematics teaching, teacher training, teachers’ conceptions, teachers’ practices


Introduction: The History of Mathematics (HM) has attracted authors from various fields, given its relevance as a field of research. Among them, mathematical educators seek to understand the contributions HM can give to understand the nature of Mathematics and also how it can be used in teaching in order to promote rich and meaningful learning. In this process, the mathematics’ teacher is a key figure that it is important to know better, namely his conceptions, practices and training processes in HM.

Objectives: To know the conceptions and practices of mathematics teachers participating in the TW on the use of HM in the teaching of the discipline, at the beginning of the training; understand the impact of training on the conceptions and practices on MH of the participating mathematics’ teachers.

Methods: This study, which is developed in the context of a training workshop (TW), adopts a mixed methodology, based on an on-line questionnaire applied to 12 participating teachers in an TW on MH. Additionally, field notes and documentary records produced by teachers were used.

Conclusion: The study allowed us to conclude that when teachers participate in (continuous) training that privileges rich tasks involving HM, framed in specific mathematical programmatic contents, in a reflective and collaborative environment and with experimentation in their practices, they tend to recognize the potentialities of the use of HM in teaching and to value them, introducing it in their practices.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. P., Costa, T., Costa, C., Pinto, H., Ribeiro, A., Gomes, H., & Menezes, L. . (2021). Teachers conceptions and practices on the history in mathematics teaching in a training context . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(9e), 249–259. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill029e.23812



Education and Social Development Sciences