Case study on complex wound (Vasculitis)




cutaneous vasculitis, wounds, and injuries


Introduction: Vasculitis are vascular inflammatory processes that determine functional and structural damage to the vessel wall. Wounds associated with vasculitis are complex (CF) and arise with inflammatory involvement of blood vessels or by immunosuppression

Objective: This case study was intended to understand the evolution of this CF

Methods: Descriptive and observational study of an 82-year-old female patient with CF as a secondary alteration of vasculitis. It was an intentional convenience sampling based on a structured interview and direct observation. Monitoring of the clinical situation at different times of outpatient treatment was performed using the EQ5D5L and RESVECH 2.0 scales.

Results: Through the analysis of the EQ-5D-5L scale, we found that during the application of the TLC-NOSF healing matrix, the patient reported a decrease in pain, being able to start the usual activities such as walking, taking a shower, reading, making lace, and watching TV. Improved QOL in General was demonstrated, especially in the Pain and Malaise dimension, with a decrease in the score (EQ5D5L) from 18 to 5.

We can prove by analyzing the RESVECH 2.0 scale applied in five moments that the wound evolved favorably. It is also noteworthy that the signs of infection significantly reduce within 15 days. There is total healing at 58 days with a decrease in the score from 26 to 2.

Conclusion: We conclude that a CF with an area of 20 cm healed completely after 58 days, and the patient remained pain free during treatment. More studies are needed, with the mobilization of sensitive assessment instruments and a larger number of participants for more robust results.


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How to Cite

Lourenço, M. C., Dias, E. S. F. ., Costa, J. M., Cruz, S. C. R. P. ., & Silva, I. M. M. (2022). Case study on complex wound (Vasculitis) . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(10e), 169–175.



Life and Healthcare Sciences