Corporate social responsibility communication practices in the portuguese banking
communication; disclosure; corporate social responsibility; banks; PortugalAbstract
Introduction: In a world shaped by globalization, where organizations are forced to adjust their objectives to the most notable environmental and social changes as well as the prominent crisis of values, society has awakened to the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR communication practices promote and disseminate initiatives based on social and ethical principles, mobilizing companies to adopt and take part in them.
Objetive: conduct a survey of the typology of CSR actions communicated by the Portuguese banking sector as well as to analyze bankers' perceptions about the subject.
Methods: The study is developed according to a descriptive and exploratory typology and uses case study methodology in a banking institution.
Results: Results indicate there are multiple disclosure actions, namely social and environmental, mostly aimed at the external community, widely known and recognized by employees.
Conclusion: These findings provide valuable information for banking professionals and lay the foundation for future research
Key-words: communication; disclosure; corporate social responsibility; banks; Portugal
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