Satisfaction with the preoperative outpatient cataract surgery nursing consultation




preoperative nursing, consultation, cataract, satisfaction


Introduction: The increase in the average life expectancy of the Portuguese population leads to the appearance of cataracts and, consequently, to surgical intervention to solve this problem.

Objective: to identify customer satisfaction with the preoperative outpatient cataract surgery nursing consultation.

Methods: Quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study. The non-probabilistic convenience sample consisted of 348 clients who had a preoperative Nursing consultation and operated between January 1 and December 31, 2019. Data collection was carried out using a structured interview, by completing a form, Likert scale (via telephone).

Results: The results show an overall average for the questions asked, which is situated at 3.73, which represents a degree of satisfaction of 93.73%. In this way, the results demonstrate a degree of extreme satisfaction.

Conclusion: All the information transmitted to the client becomes extremely important, both pre- and post-operatively, to ensure the success of the surgery and contribute to customer satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, A., Marques, F. ., Príncipe, F. ., Mota, L., Cardoso, M., & Vieira, R. (2022). Satisfaction with the preoperative outpatient cataract surgery nursing consultation . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(19), 55–61.



Life and Healthcare Sciences