Experiences of medicine and nursing students with the problematization method





health education, professional practice, primary health care


Introduction: Seeking to meet the assumptions of the National Curriculum Guidelines, active learning methodologies are proposed, since they place students as a central figure in the learning process while the teacher assumes the role of mediator and encourager.

Objective: To describe the experiences of Medicine and Nursing students inserted in professional practice under the logic of problematization.

Methods: Qualitative research carried out through semi-structured interviews with students of Medicine and Nursing of an HEI, in the year 2018. Data were analyzed using the technique of content analysis in the thematic modality and discussed in the light of the problematization.

Results: Data were categorized into three themes: problematization in the professional practice scenario; the influence of the facilitator on the applicability of the problematization; fragilities of problematization in the scenario of professional practices.

Conclusion: According to the students, the articulation between theory and practice is favored by the practical scenario. However, the facilitator and the link with the health unit significantly influence student performance.seeking to meet the assumptions of the National Curriculum Guidelines, active learning methodologies are proposed for such, as they place students as a central figure in the learning process and the teacher assumes the role of mediator and encourager.


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How to Cite

Ghezzi, J. F. S. A., Lopes, A. M. dos S. ., Higa, E. de F. R. ., Lemes, M. A. ., Lazarini, C. A. ., & Marin, M. J. S. . (2022). Experiences of medicine and nursing students with the problematization method . Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health, 2(10e), 47–55. https://doi.org/10.29352/mill0210e.26086



Education and Social Development Sciences